The role of Competency based Learning and Personalized learning is becoming more and more recognized as being essential in the way we teach our 21st century learners. The idea of giving students more of a say so over their own learning along with giving them ownership and responsibility are the skills they will need in the workforce we are supposed to prepare them for. However, how wonderful and innovative the idea sounds it is still in the beginning stages and its definition would need to be clearly defined to its users but until more research is done educators remain to experiment.
I teach 1st grade therefore this "mindset" would look different in the primary grades. Because at this age children are still learning "what school is" and the "how to's" a lot of structure is still necessary. Someways I can try to incorporate into my teaching practice are: 1. During Daily 5 rotations allow students to pick what they want to do as their word work activity instead of one being assigned to them so they can decide how they want learn/study their spelling words. 2. During iReads, silent reading, or partner reading students can choose where they want to learn in the classroom. Some options could be in the library, on the colorful carpet or even under their desks following the guidelines. 3. For a comprehension assignment students can have the choice to summarize a story by using paper and pencil or by orally presenting in front of the class. One way I see how technology might play a part is for students to use an ipad for their word work selection by going to the Benchmark Universe(Lang. Arts curriculum) app and using that as one of their options. Teaching the primary grades has opportunity for individualized learning. Interventions are one way educators try to close the achievement gap among students who don't necessarily get concepts the first time around. ELD interventions, after/before school intervention, small group intervention and math interventions are specifically made to meet the needs and modified or their success.